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  • Animations: 1
  • Frames: 12
  • Loop: Yes

If you have stamina in your game you can use this skill to drain less stamina when running. If not then you can increase your speed by X%. Make sure that the animation follows the player!

  • Animations: 1
  • Frames: 17
  • Loop: Yes

This was an old animation that I recolored. This can be a familiar that follows you and allows you to deal more damage, or it can heal you X amount of HP per second. Make sure that the animation follows the character!

  • Animations: 3
  • Frames: 21
  • Loop: Yes

Let the vines do some passive damage to your foes. You can use the skill and the longer you hold it the more vines will grow. You can make them disappear after certain amount of seconds. You can even add a bleed debuff when characters touch the spikes and the more they touch the more the bleed damage is dealt.

  • Animations: 5
  • Frames: 34 
  • Loop: Yes

Summon this sentry and it will attack the foes for you when they get too close. Once it attacks it is to hit one enemy. You can always summon more than one! The sentry has a summon, idle, attack load and attack spike animations. The spike is separate since it is to spawn where the enemies are.

Do not forget to check my other FX Packs! These are part of my FX collection that will keep on growing!

  • FX sprite sheets have the dimensions in the Name
    • EXAMPLE: "skillname_128x48"
  • The pack consists of two directional animations
  • List of animations: 10
  • Frames: 84
  • Animations may be loop-able
  • Aseprite file included
  • Character, Background, Skill Icon and enemy  are NOT included. Check the assets below if you are interested

  • Check the skill icons below!

  • You can use this asset in any game project, personal or commercial
  • DO NOT resell or redistribute AS A GAME ASSET, it has to be part of a project
  • Credit not necessary but appreciated, if you do you can link to my ITCH profile
  • Modify to suit your needs
  • You are NOT allowed to turn any of my assets to an NFT.
  • You are NOT allowed to use these assets to train AI.

Click the image to see my asset collections.

Item Collection  UI Collection  Nature Collection

Animation Collection  FX Collection  Enemy Collection

Updated 1 day ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags2D, Animation, Fantasy, fx, nature, Pixel Art, pixel-effect, skill-effect, skill-fx, skills


Get this asset pack and 246 more for $200.00 CAD
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In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1.60 CAD. You will get access to the following files: 1.2 MB

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